Today, I would like to introduce something to you that may sound unusual, but if you reach the end of this article, I am sure this little known addition will become one of the favourite features in your dog’s meals…
What Are Phytoplanktons
Phytoplanktons are tiny bunches of algae and bacteria that sustain the entire ocean.
They are the foundational source of nutrition for the ocean life and fish: little creatures called zooplankton eat the phytoplankton, in their turn they will then be eaten by small fish and so on: this helps to pass the Omega-3 up the ocean food chain.
Is Phytoplankton Good for Dogs?
This simple marine organism is probably the healthiest broad-spectrum green supplement for any pet.
Mix it with their food, and you will see immediate benefits to their skin and fur, the shine in their eyes, and even the freshness of their breath.
Let’s go in more detail on how Phytoplankton can help our dogs:
How can Phytoplankton Benefit Dogs

#1 Best Source Of Omega-3 (healthier alternative to toxic fish oil)
Many people know that their pets need Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.
According to the National Institute of Health[1], research has shown benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for heart health, neurodevelopment, cancer prevention, joint issues, allergies and more. Unfortunately, many dog owners supplement Omega-3 fatty acids through fish oil, but it can be rather harmful to pets.
You should avoid fish oil because:
- Fatty acids in fish oil are prone to oxidization which can cause inflammation.
- Fish (especially larger fish, like salmon) can contain a considerable amount of mercury, other heavy metals, and toxins.
- Fish oil, in general, is a controversial topic because of the overfishing and the harm that the fishing industry does to the environment.
Fish are not born with high levels of Omega-3. They need to get Omega-3 from their diet, which means from eating small creatures who previously fed on Phytoplankton.
Half of Phytoplanktons composition is, by weight, Omega-3 fats, which is about double the amount found in fish; they are a perfect source of Omega-3 and fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).
There are plant based sources of Omega-3 fats that you can feed to your dog, but he will not be able to convert them as well to get the health benefits.
That is why Phytoplankton is a great alternative source for Omega-3 fats.
#2 Helps Dogs With Digestive Issues
Usually, your dog’s digestive system must break down food before the body can use it for energy. But Phytoplankton is made up of tiny nanoparticles that the body’s mucous membranes can absorb directly. Phytoplankton’s molecules are so small that they do not even need to be digested, they travel right to your dog’s cells, nourishing them and delivering energy directly.
Because of that, dogs with “Increased Intestinal Permeability Syndrome”, EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), digestive upset and bowel disease, who have trouble getting proper nutrition from their food, can benefit from the direct nutrition that Phytoplankton can deliver.
#3 Adds Important Minerals To Your Dog’s Diet
Most dogs (as well as people) are deficient in trace minerals. One important reason for this deficiency is the wide use of pesticides that bind to trace minerals, like copper, iron, cobalt, and manganese.
Trace minerals are essential to good health as they support essential biological functions, this includes digestion, growth, hormone regulation, enzyme function and thyroid health. They can prevent diseases and improve symptons of serious diseases, for example:
- Selenium has been shown to prevent cancer
- Magnesium supports heart, joint and neurological health
- Iodine regulates thyroid function
Phytoplankton is rich in trace minerals, antioxidants, carotenoids, essential amino acids, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, macronutrients, proteins, fatty acids, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 with a concentration of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C and E.
#4 Fights Cancer And Disease
The body naturally produces free radicals through metabolism, although environmental factors (like pollution) also play a huge role.
Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells and cause some to die, they build up in the body and they are the cause of diseases and premature aging.
Per contrast, antioxidants are molecules that can prevent cell damage. They help prevent cancer, heart disease, eye problems, and immune system issues. They also have anti-ageing effects.
The National Cancer Institute research[2] shows that Phytoplankton has cancer-killing potential, thanks to its antioxidant properties.
Phytoplankton contain what is known as the “king of antioxidants”, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). SOD is the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzyme. It protects cells and helps remove toxins, including heavy metals from the body.
Researchers found that the longest-lived animals, such as sea turtles, contain large amounts of SOD. Shorter-lived animals, like mice, contain only small amounts.
That is why SOD can be an important addition to your dog’s diet!
SOD turns the free radicals into hydrogen peroxide, which then gets broken down into harmless oxygen and water. SOD is said to be 3,500 times more potent than vitamin C.
Phytoplankton is considered the best bio-available source of SOD – a very powerful antioxidant and detoxification agent, especially compared to antioxidant sources like berries and vegetables that require digestion first.
#5 Supports The Liver
Phytoplankton is absorbed on the cellular level, giving the liver a digestion break.
The liver is the main organ for detoxification in the body and it is vital for the absorption of nutrients. As your dog ages or experiences health problems, the liver can deteriorate and this makes it harder to process the vital nutrients absorbed from the small intestine.
Phytoplankton delivers nutrients that restore liver health, without making it work for them!
#6 Improves Eyesight
Phytoplankton has a remarkable effect on eyesight, sharpening and clarifying vision, especially in cases where vision is being affected by an overloaded liver.
#7 Supports Healthy Aging
By now, I hope this supplement is at the top of your list – if not yet, let’s discuss further why Phytoplankton needs to be part of your dog’s diet.
Not only is it readily absorbed into your dog’s body, Phytoplankton is also a superfood for healthy aging because it can:
- Support mobility and joint health
- Manage skin issues and allergies
- Improve cellular function
- Maintain healthy organ function
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve digestion
- Increase energy and endurance
- Reduce hyperactivity and anxiety
- Help with detoxification
And these are key to your dog living his best life and having the energy he needs as he ages. Which means he will be able to:
- Enjoy more runs in the park
- Have a healthy skin and coat
- Have a strong and healthy mind
- Digest nutrients better and have proper organ function for detoxing naturally
#8 Supports Joint Health
The high levels of long chain EPA make Phytoplankton a great supplement for joint health, especially for senior dogs.
#9 Supports Cardiovascular Health
With the poor quality of many commercial foods and lack of exercise, many dogs have developed heart issues of various sorts. Again, Phytoplankton is a brilliant addition, offering easily absorbable micronutrients which, combined with the power of EPA, appear to strengthen cardiovascular function in a very short period of time.
#10 For Dogs with Diabetes
More and more pet owners have reported that Phytoplankton has really helped their dog’s diabetes. Perhaps because of its general immune boosting properties, or its pancreas detoxifying properties, or maybe because Phytoplankton has blood-sugar balancing properties. Or because of all the above. Moreover, in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes there is evidence of liver inflammation and here Phytoplankton really shines. With its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Phytoplankton helps to take dogs back to a healthier state, offering a wide range of minerals, and helping restore normal glucose levels over time. There is lot of evidence that essential fatty acids play a role in alleviating diabetes too.
#11 Streghten Immune System Function
Packed with SOD, minerals, vitamins, carotenoids and essential fatty acids, this green powder offers amazing immune system boosting benefits.
#12 Supports Dog With Allergies
Perhaps because of its positive effects on the immune system, Phytoplankton seems to aid dogs with allergies, boosting overall heath, reducing inflammation, and restoring wellness.
What is the Dosage of Phytoplankton for Dogs?
It is unlikely there is any more nutritious and concentrated substance you can give to your dog, as such you do not need to feed as much.
I’ve listed some guidelines below but feel free to adjust them based on your dog’s taste, health condition, and enthusiasm for the supplement.
- Small Dog = 1/4 teaspoon per day
- Medium Dog = 1/2 teaspoon per day
- Large Dog = 3/4 teaspoon per day
Remember though, to not feed excess Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) generally, of any supplement, as this can counterbalance the benefits.
Are There Side Effects To Feed Phytoplankton To Your Dog?
In some cases, dogs with a poor immune system may feel a bit indisposed for a few days as the body is suddenly flooded with nutrients and a healing reaction occurs.
In rare cases some dogs’ stools may become slightly looser (or even green if you are feeding a large amount) but this passes.
Overall, this natural wholefood product really has minimal side-effects, and many positive body responses and benefits.
Plus… An Environmentally Sustainable Product, NOT Taken From The Oceans
People may be concerned that Phytoplankton might be detracted from the oceans, impacting other organisms. Phytoplankton can be grown in filtered water in farms, in ecologically sustainable conditions and you do not have to worry about heavy metals, radiation, and toxins, or its impact on the oceans.
Can Dogs Take Phytoplankton For Humans?
You can certainly feed any Phytoplankton supplement you might be taking for your own health to your dog. Just remember to adjust the daily doses.
A good quality Phytoplankton source should be:
– Sustainably grown on land with sunlight
– Free of radiation, heavy metals, or other toxins
– Watered with filtered ocean water
– Non-genetically modified (GMO), vegan and without fillers
Without any doubt, Phytoplankton should be a part of any canine health regime, especially for senior dogs… Give it a try!
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[1] Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Fact Sheet for Health Professionals
[2] Anticancer Drugs from Marine Flora: An Overview, N. Sithranga Boopathy and K. Kathiresan
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